House Fengshui

Our Esteemed Clients

House Fengshui

Keys to your new home. What a happy and thrilling time!

You want the best for your family

Buying a new house cost you a small fortune in Singapore. But that does not make it a home. A house is a home only when everyone is living in harmony. No quarrels. Only peace.

Made possible by precise calculation of the people’s energy with the environment.

Buying a house is a long-term investment. When you compare, Dragon Heart Feng Shui consultation costs only a tiny part of that investment.

No changes in house structure, we know the law

Dragon Heart advises internal fitting (eg. extra door frame) and re-arrangements to channel the positive energies into your lovely home.

When everyone is happy, it is a good home. Call Dragon Heart (+65 9634 9671) today and make that happen.


Case Studies

Feng Shui Consultancy

Stagnant Business

Not Enough Customers

Cash Flow Issues

Employee Turnover & Office Politics


Feng Shui Consultancy

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External Factors
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Office Interior Factors
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Auspicious Date Selection
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Implementation & Activation
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Contact Us Today for a free to Feng Shui Analysis
